Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh, Christmas music how I have missed you....

Yes, I am one of those people. I started listening to Christmas music today, but I can't help it. 'It's the most Wonderful time of the year.' In all honesty I totally believe Christmas music goes right along with Thanksgiving because I consider Thanksgiving part of the most wonderful time of the year. (Just as a side note in my list of favorite holidays St. Patrick's Day comes first of course but Thanksgiving comes second then Christmas, so I really do LOVE Thanksgiving). I love the next two months that are just beginning. This season is a time for good family, good food, and just a good feeling. I'm going to enjoy every moment of the holiday season! (With the exception of finals of course ;) ).
For those of you Christmas music nazi's have no fear I won't be listening to it constantly just every once in a while, like when my homework has completely drained me and I need uplifting :)

Now, on to the real object of this post...catch up.

Last weekend I went home with Allison to Blackfoot, Idaho. We didn't take any pictures except when I realized we hadn't taken any pictures on the way home so I took pictures of rainy, rainy Idaho.
While in Idaho, we went and saw a high school play, worked in a cemetary, picked up a basket of fruit and vegetable goodness, ate good food, and had some good Farmer family fun. :) It was so fun to go up there and I had a great time. Thank you to mama and papa Farmer and Cole to let me come intrude their home.

She is such a good driver when it's windy and pouring :)

While everyone else had their delightful fall breaks I have been burried in homework! Another reason I can't wait for Thanksgiving Break. School is so overwhelming at this time of the year, it seems as though there will never be an end to the homework, essays, and tests! That's what I get for taking 17 credits I guess...

This is the cartoon I have on my bookshelf, it's like a portrait of my life ;)
 Sad to report Halloween was almost non existant this year. I'm not a fan anyways and I couldn't figure out what I wanted to be. The only real Halloween plans I had was going to the party that my apartment complex throws, because it was free and at my apartment so I felt like I needed to atleast make an appearance. I didn't figure out what I was going to wear until about 5 minutes before we went....I ended up being......a cowgirl/country girl I guess would be accurate. I wore my white dress with my "cowboy-looking" button up tied in front, curly hair, and Allison's boots. It wasn't fabulous but it was free! Which at this point in my life has become the most valuable word to me :)

Simple, free, and easy :)

Oh, and don't forget the glasses!!
  Allison was the Little Mermaid....all homemade as well!

I think she's excited for Christmas too...Home Alone much :)

The amazing Sea Shell headband....totally handmade

Pretty sure the Little Mermaid is supposed to be happy....maybe this is pre Prince Eric...
 We ended up staying at the party for maybe 10 minutes...we got our picture taken entered into a drawing and left it was super lame....and not even worth the stress of trying to figure out what to be. Oh well, live and learn. I came home and watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants :) always a good one.

The highlight of my Halloween weekend was when I showed up to my Family Finance class and my teacher started out class by doing the entire Mr. Rogers bit. He changed sweaters and shoes all while singing "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood"---I should've been Mr. Roger's....maybe next year ;)

I know its a bad was taken with my phone from the back row

1 comment:

  1. Emily Ostler, how can you not be a fan of Halloween. It is what brought us together, without it, we would not be. (okay, maybe it was really Breanne, but I still say it was Halloween) Also, I love that you love Christmas music and this season as much as I do.
