Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tonight I Want to Cry.....

Some are happy, some are sad
Some come unexpected, some have been bottled up for a long time
Being related to my Father I have very active tear ducts.
Sometimes this is a blessing, sometimes this is a curse.
This week, for some unknown reason, there have been more tears than normal.
The best tears this week came from my very most favorite Christmas tradition, The Forgotten Carols.
And the not so great tears well maybe I've just been overdue for a good cry.
As silly as it sounds, there is something very theraputic about tears, both kind!
So tonight, regardless of where they come from I am thankful for tears.

1 comment:

  1. You and me both. Seriously... I am pretty sure I have cried ever single day this week... P.s. I saw the forgotten carols for the first time this year, amazing!
